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Benefits Living Relationships Expository Essay

Benefits of Living in Relationships

According to the 2000 Census, about 1.2 million persons over age 50 are currently cohabiting (Brown, Bulanda, & Lee, 2005). There are serious advantages to living together that is why people are attracted to it (Kramer, 2019). The reasons why...

How Glocal changed my life?

Glocal is not just a company which I work for; it’s a feeling of responsibility and family to me. I have had great hunger for learning new skills from childhood. I never missed an opportunity which could enhance my skills. I never thought I would...

अबकी चुनाव मे !!

अजमाइहैं सब आपन आपन हथकण्डा ,अबकी चुनाव मे चली फिरसे लाठी और डंडा , अबकी चुनाव मे केहू खरिदी वोट तो केहू देखाई धौस , जाने केतना पुजैहैं पंडित और पंडा,अबकी चुनाव मे जेव रही खाली लेकिन लडैक है चुनाव, लुटिहैं फिरसे नाम लैकै चन्दा, अबकी चुनाव मे केहू...

Happy Valentines Day

She was flying Flying on the notes of harp Her tangled hair resembles The wave of the sound The curl that was never ending Her smile left a print on heart The print which was permanent How could I not get distracted? Her every word was poetry This...

Ajay Pandey