Project Swarojgar – A CSR project of NMB Bank

Project Swarojgar – A CSR project of NMB Bank

Glocal since its beginning has been working to bring innovation in any sector it has been working. Be its first initiation of Glocal Khabar which was the first portal to promote youth positive and impactful doing in the country. Establishing an award ( Glocal Teen Hero) program for teenagers who are doing amazing and impactful works apart from their academics. It was also one of the first programs from Nepal to sell franchises to other countries from Nepal. Along with one of the first kinds of physical and online and offline training people in skill development.

Everything that Glocal does makes sure that there is an impact attached to it. There are many instances that people do not believe that Glocal is a private company. Because of the impact-oriented programs that Glocal has been doing, many times I have been asked if Glocal is an NGO. In the sector of branding and CSR as well. Glocal has partnered with companies like Honda, Coca-cola, Landmark, etc to bring activity-based branding and CSR program to bring positive impact in the society. Similarly while having a meeting with the official of NMB bank we came of a similar idea that shows the impact-driven.

What is Project Swarojgar? 

Project Swarojgar – A CSR project of NMB Bank. Project Swarogjar essentially is an entrepreneurship development training program designed with the objective to enhance skills, mindset, and help in capacity building of upcoming and existing entrepreneurs. NMB Bank partnered with Glocal Pvt Ltd, a CSR, and Management consultant to design and implement the project. The 4-day free training program had 50 participants trained by experienced trainers in relevant fields. Participants were selected on the basis of their entrepreneurial engagement, interest, and idea to start a new venture of their own. Out of a total of 92 applications, 50 participants (aged from 18-40) were selected and they were called for the training which was organized at Hotel Durbar, Lahan from 18th – 21st March 2020.

4-days training was initiated with the aim to develop the entrepreneurship development from the experienced trainers for boosting their business knowledge and getting better at it.  All the participants were able to learn business skills and ideas to initiate or expand their business. Participants mentioned in the form that the key learnings they got were Business Skills and Ideas, Difference between a business Man and Entrepreneur, Importance of entrepreneurship for a country like Nepal, also about Expenses, Savings, and Incomes generation in any business.

In addition to this, they also mentioned that they learned about how to make their living easier with the use of knowledge about Financial Literacy.  Moreover, the session also introduced the various strategies and ways to take decisions in the business world and also in life. There was learning shared by one of the participants that, having a vision and mission in life as well as in our business is the most important.

Before initiating any business, Market Analysis must be done, and an entrepreneur must have proper business plans to sustain their startups. Also, they had mentioned that they learned how to be self-dependent and need savings after the session conducted about Financial Literacy. In addition to this, as per the feedback received, they also learned the ways to be a good entrepreneur, and also discussed the ways to sustain the business in the long run.

The 4 days training of Project Swarojgar helped the participants to develop their business skills and ideas to a new level. They learned the ways to plan business in a more organized manner including assessment, risk management ways, and also learned ways to sustain their business. As a whole, they learned how to be an Entrepreneur, which actually fulfilled one major objective of the project.

Who participated? 

The participants of the training were the locals from the Siraha district itself. The age group of the participants varied from 18-40 years of age. There were diverse people in terms of work experience and also their ideas. There was a total of 11 female participants and the rest 39 were male participants.

Why I am sharing about it now?

Many of you might know that recently NMB bank got awarded as the banker of the year 2021 for not only Nepal but as the whole of Asia Pacific. On the award page itself, it was quoted as” Under Project Swarojgar, the bank focused on supporting the country’s south-eastern Province 2 region to create job opportunities and support for entrepreneurs to reduce the number of people leaving to seek employment elsewhere. NMB provided a week-long training programme for 50 entrepreneurs, and aims to expand the service to other parts of the country facing similar issues.”We from Glocal are proud and congratulate NMB bank to get such a prestigious award. We are glad to be part of through and have contributed impact in the sector of banking. I am happily sharing this and we at Glocal will continue doing such impact-driven work in the future as well.

Ajay Pandey