Ajay Pandey

She took my Heart !

Declaring victory , Over every part of my heart. Holding portions of heaven, in her cute little dimple. She knew she will win over me which was yes, simple So,She took my heart Teaching me, the meaning of life, The rays of her smile, took me...

मुक्तक १

छन होला रे तिम्रै लागि मायाका गीत गाउनेहरु
पर्खी त्यो पल तिम्रो सामु ति गीत सुनाउनेहरु
तर प्रिये माया र​ङ्गिन श​ब्द​मा हैन​ भाव​मा खोज,
लाखौं छन् यहाँ शब्द बेची वासनाको जालमा फसाउनेहरु !!

I wish

I wish she was here with me to see me expressing my feelings I wish she could feel the world as I do every millisecond. I wish I could right after the rain Holding her hand. I wish I could convey my message and Meet her sometime And pour each drop...

Ajay Pandey