Declaring victory , Over every part of my heart. Holding portions of heaven, in her cute little dimple. She knew she will win over me which was yes, simple So,She took my heart Teaching me, the meaning of life, The rays of her smile, took me...
छन होला रे तिम्रै लागि मायाका गीत गाउनेहरु
पर्खी त्यो पल तिम्रो सामु ति गीत सुनाउनेहरु
तर प्रिये माया रङ्गिन शब्दमा हैन भावमा खोज,
लाखौं छन् यहाँ शब्द बेची वासनाको जालमा फसाउनेहरु !!